Temples of Altharion

In the late Genesis Age, as Altharion’s influence spread across Valora, the people began constructing grand Temples of Altharion. These temples were sacred spaces where priests and oracles could commune with the divine. Built in harmony with the natural world, the temples acted as spiritual conduits, allowing mortals to interpret Altharion’s will. Oracles, often blessed by Altharion, would deliver prophecies and guidance, helping rulers and common folk alike navigate life. Blessings received in these temples were seen as crucial to maintaining peace and prosperity.

One notable moment involved a high priestess, revered for her connection to Altharion, foreseeing a great storm that would have ravaged the coast. Thanks to her warning, the people prepared, mitigating the damage. Such moments solidified the temples’ importance, fostering devotion and ensuring that Valora’s people remained connected to their divine protector.

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