Zephyros the Tempest Lord

Overview: Zephyros rules over Tempest Bay, a deity of storms and seas. Once a calm protector of sailors, he now commands the winds and waves with fury, bringing endless chaos to the oceans.

Divine Information:

  • Domain: Storms, Oceans (Corruption, Wrath)
  • Affiliation: Corrupted Deities
  • Status: Active
  • Era of Activity: Current Age (Post-Corruption)

Creation/Origin: Zephyros was once the god of calm seas, guiding sailors safely through treacherous waters. However, during the Age of Divergence, he was overcome by rage, corrupted by the devastation of war, and transformed into the Tempest Lord, causing endless storms across Tempest Bay.

Appearance: Zephyros appears as a towering figure composed of swirling storm clouds and crashing waves. His eyes glow with lightning, and his body shifts between mist and water, crackling with energy. Thunder echoes wherever he treads, and powerful winds constantly surround him.

Personality: Zephyros is unpredictable and merciless, his once-protective nature replaced by violent wrath. He no longer cares for the sailors he once guided, viewing mortals as insignificant in the face of the raw power of the sea and storm. He commands the winds and waves to remind all of his dominance.

Worship: The few who still worship Zephyros are often sailors and pirates who hope to appease him to survive the treacherous storms of Tempest Bay. They conduct storm rituals, where offerings of precious cargo or even sacrifices are thrown into the sea. Temples dedicated to Zephyros are typically small coastal shrines, constantly battered by waves and wind.


  • The Endless Maelstrom: It is said that Zephyros’s fury created the Maelstrom of Tempest Bay, an eternal storm that sinks ships and drags them to the depths. This storm is considered the embodiment of his rage.
  • The Shattered Fleet: According to legend, an armada of ships once tried to defeat Zephyros by challenging his power, but he summoned a hurricane that scattered them across the ocean, ensuring none ever returned.

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