Dragon Isles Progress
Greetings Frontierlanders, Welcome to the February update for ValoraCraft. As promised the server remains functional and ready to receive players, with the exception of a few hours of downtime. Speaking of new content, I have been consistently working on the buildings of the Dragon Isles and making them unique to the area in their services and wares. I just have some screenshots that I'll share with you this month but hopefully sometime this spring we'll all be able to go to the Dragon Isles together! First up is the dojo, mastered by Sensei Haruto. Inside are a few training dummies…
State of the Server, January 2025
Welcome to what I expect will be a monthly update to the server so that I can keep you updated on new features and my progress on them as I work. The things I post in these updates my not be things that end up coming to fruition and will basically be a combination of patch notes for the last month. To begin, I want to address the last few months of inactivity and give you a bit of hope for the future. Where We Were During the holidays, it is difficult for me to pull myself away from my…