Faelanwood-Valenwood Alliance (680 VT)

Overview: In 680 VT, Sylvia Faelanwood solidified a critical alliance with the Valenwood family, ensuring the survival of both families as the threats of the Age of Divergence grew. This alliance was based on mutual respect for the natural world and a shared desire to protect their territories from the rising paranoia and external dangers that plagued Valora.

Date: 680 VT


  • Sylvia Faelanwood
  • Theron Valenwood
  • Members of the Faelanwood and Valenwood families

Cause: As distrust grew between the great families during the Age of Divergence, Sylvia Faelanwood recognized the need for stronger alliances to survive. Both the Faelanwood and Valenwood families, having similar ties to the natural world and values of honor and survival, decided to formalize an alliance.

The Faelanwood and Valenwood families had always been close, sharing a deep connection to the wilds of Valora. However, with the rising tensions of the Age of Divergence, Sylvia Faelanwood saw the looming threat of conflict and corruption. Understanding that both families would need to stand together to ensure their survival, she sought out Theron Valenwood and proposed an alliance that would secure their mutual defense and cooperation.

The two families agreed to pool their resources and military strength. This alliance ensured that Valenwood Grove and Faelanwood’s holdings in the Eryndor Wilds would remain strong, even as outside forces sought to divide and conquer the great families. With their shared understanding of nature, survival, and resilience, the Faelanwood-Valenwood Alliance became one of the most formidable partnerships of the era.

Outcome: The alliance between Faelanwood and Valenwood ensured their collective survival during the escalating paranoia and conflicts of the Age of Divergence. Their united front allowed them to repel threats from rival families and corruption alike, further cementing their role as protectors of Valora’s wilds.

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